New 501 (c) (3) Educational Organization
Enhances Viewpoint Diversity & Intellectual Humility to
Make Free Speech Again on Campus
The SAPIENT Being’s primary goals are to enhance viewpoint diversity and intellectual humility so students, administrators and professors can make and participate in free speech again on campus in America's high schools, community colleges and four-year universities and spread ideological diversity (which is acutely underrepresented) throughout America's academic and educational institutions.
To make that happen, we take the high road of sapience, that trumps all ideologies. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, non-religious, and non-sectarian organization that subscribes to only one ideology; which is human sapience (wisdom); and welcome with open minds, arms and hearts a diverse demographic (physically and mentally) from all ideologies, faiths, walks of life, etc. to fight the idiocracy.
Society Advancing Personal Intelligence & Enlightenment Now Together
Return free speech, open dialogue and civil discourse to high school and college campuses without intimidation and threat of violence to those with differences in opinion, ideologies and practices. Encourage open debate, dialogue and the free expression of alternative and non-orthodox viewpoints with the goal of creating a World of Writing Warriors (WOWW) program that upholds journalistic standards and promotes viewpoint diversity throughout all types of campus journalism and media.
Return Free Speech, Open Dialogue and Civil Discourse to Our Campuses
Provide high school and college students the opportunity to start SAPIENT Being campus clubs, chapters and alliances where independent, liberal and conservative minded students can meet safely and freely as sapient beings to learn the facts and truth concerning the important issues facing us today. Together, we become wiser in the process by practicing, protecting and promoting freedom of speech and expression and their principles as part of the Make Free Speech Again on Campus movement.
Enhance Viewpoint Diversity & Intellectual Humility One Mind at a Time
Corey Lee Wilson, the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity's Shideler Award in 1985, Founder and CEO of the SAPIENT Being, is no stranger to viewpoint diversity. He was raised an Atheist by his liberal Playboy Bunny mother, has three Anglo-Hispanic siblings, a brother who died of AIDS, baptized a Protestant by his conservative grandparents, attended temple with his Jewish foster parents, baptized again as a Catholic for his first Filipina wife, attends Buddhist ceremonies with his second Thai wife, became an Agnostic on his own free will for most of his life, and is a lifetime independent (Centrist) voter who has never registered as a Democrat or Republican.
Corey felt the sting of intellectual humility by going back one grade in elementary school because he couldn't read proficiently enough in the third grade. He knows adversity having attended 18 different schools before putting himself through college (without parents). He's the only college student in the USA to graduate with honors (on triple-secret probation), receiving a BS in Economics in 1985 and named Who's Who of American College Students the previous year. Using his PhD in life (PhD standing for personal-human-drama), Corey started a higher state of being known as the Society Advancing Personal Intelligence & Enlightenment Now Together (SAPIENT) Being in 2019.
Come Join Us in Our Quest for Sapience and Become a Sapient Being
This is a new membership drive with independent students in mind who want to hear both sides of an issue, from any topic, without intimidation. It's also a perfect opportunity for liberal and conservative minded students to pop each other's ideological bubbles, and together, openly and honestly, discuss and debate the hottest and most contentious issues facing America and the world today. We accomplish this by following the highest standards of civil discourse and debating each other’s ideas, premises, and principles without attacking their character with malice and prejudice. This is sapience at its best!