News, Articles & Blog
The SAPIENT Being is on a mission to help return conservative values, viewpoint diversity, and sapience to our generations X, Y & Z and enlighten them on the many blessings to humankind that are the direct result of American exceptionalism, Western European culture, and Judeo-Christian values.
With the help of the SAPIENT Being‘s Sapient Conservative Textbook (SCT) Program will write, publish, and distribute, with financial support from like-minded organizations, 40 essential textbooks, 4 per year, for the 2020 decade covering the most contentious and critical MADNESS topics like the following titles:
Fake News Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to Spotting Fake News Media & How to Help Fight and Eliminate It (Winter 2021)
Crime Rate Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the Color of Crime, Antifa, BLM, SPLC & OSF Impacts on Criminal Justice (Spring 2021)
Voting Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to Election Irregularities, Voter Fraud, Mail-In Ballots, HR1 and More (Summer 2021)
California Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the State’s Recall, Leftist Policies & Downward Progressive Spiral (Autumn 2021)​
The primary purpose of the 40 MADNESS series of books is to introduce, expose, and touch upon a growing list of “madness” topics that present themselves in the 21st century and are the inspiration for the S.A.P.I.E.N.T. Being organization. By using sapience as the foundation for addressing the most important issues and problems facing America and the world today, together—left, right, and center—we can achieve common sense solutions that support the public trust, promote good will, and serve the common good.
Sapience, also known as wisdom, is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. Sapience is associated with attributes such as intelligence, enlightenment, and unbiased judgement and also recognizes the values of Western European culture, American exceptionalism, and conservative values. Sapience trumps all other ideologies.
This 2022 year’s 4 proposed current events textbook titles below will be just as provocative, unbiased, and timely as ever with the following tentative lineup:
Free Speech Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the War Against Truth, Conservative Ideals & Freedom of Speech (Winter)
Democratic Party Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the Progressivism Madness of Party Practices, Policies & Agendas (Spring)
Education Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to Fixing America’s Dysfunctional & Illiberal Public Educational Systems (Summer)
Progressivism Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the Idiocracy and Hypocrisy of the ‘Regressivism’ Movement (Autumn)