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Writer's pictureCorey Lee Wilson

FREE sapient conservative textbook "California Madness" offer from September 8 - 14

The S.A.P.I.E.N.T. Being's Sapient Conservative Textbooks (SCT) Program is set to publish its fourth MADNESS textbook California Madness and you can preview a pdf version for free from September 8 to 14, 2021 The SAPIENT Being’s next and fourth sapient conservative textbook titled California Madness is on its way to being completed with a tentative self-publication date of Tuesday, September 7, one week ahead of the Governor Newsom Recall date of September 14, 2021. Anyone interested can receive a free pdf version of this textbook starting September 8, 2021, and further details will be provided later about getting a free copy as that date approaches. In the meantime, I would love to hear from any and all sapient beings before then what concerns them the most about" the state of our state." Today's California represents, by far, when compared to the rest of the United States, the worst that “so-called” progressivism has to offer—and if liberal, leftist, and Democratic Party pundits are correct with their declarations that “California is the wave of America’s future”—the decline of our republic in most every category on the “sapience scorecard” is well on its way. The state has earned many times over its various California “crazy” monikers such as the Left Coast, Californification, Mexifornia and a host of others that bring light to the enormous failures of this once golden state whose California dreamin’ utopia is now just a blur in the rear view mirror of California's history. Today, it’s a neo-feudal dystopia but still has the world’s fifth largest economy. How bizarre! In most every statistic, from homelessness, housing, income disparity, identity politics, illegal immigration, environmental mismanagement, climate activism, public education, free speech suppression, anti-business and middle class, pro crime and homelessness, underfunded pensions, big labor and government, excessive taxation, irrational governance, etc.—California has fallen from grace to disgrace in the 21st century. So many of California’s Democratic supermajority priorities, approved legislation, and socialist policies are beyond "unsapient"—more than just shear "madness"—they’re firmly encamped in the "idiocracy" zone with a one-way ticket to a progressivism nightmare. Nevertheless, together, and united, we can stop this Hollywood horror script from becoming a woke reality show if we take decisive action now. As a once proud native Californian, I cover the major issues facing California using viewpoint diversity, sapient think tanks, renowned authors, and detailed reports—all free of fake news and false narratives. However, for some of you this MADNESS textbook will be a triggering event, denial of truth, and a painful intervention. For others, it will be a revelation, an epiphany, and a sapient being moment. Below is the latest tentative chapter outline as follows: California Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the State’s Recall, Leftist Policies & Progressive Downward Spiral 1. California: Wave of the Future? Wake of the Past? Or Something in Between? 2. Total Recall: Governor Newsom's Totalitarian Pandemic Sanctions 3. The State's Democratic Party Supermajority & Governing Madness 4. California Statistics & State Rankings: Great, Good, Bad, Ugly & Idiotic 5. State Polarization, Diversity Politics, Unsapient Policies & Alarming Projections 6. 'Anti' Middle Class, Business & Housing—But 'Pro' Crime & Homelessness 7. Population Madness, Legal vs. Illegal Immigration & Demographic Challenges 8. Taxafornia: California's Addiction to Taxing, Spending & Overregulation Madness 9. Disasterfornia: Earth, Wind & Fire Mismanagement vs. Climate Change Madness 10. Mexifornia: Why the State's Largest Ethnic Group is Falling Behind the Others 11. Unbalanced Budgets, Bizarre Ballots, Stolen Stimulus & Voter Fraud 12. Illiberal Academia, Failing Public Schools & Critical Race Theory Mandate 13. Public Sector & Teacher Unions' Pension Madness vs. Fiscal Timebomb 14. Big Government, Big Labor & Big Tech's Leftist Manipulation & Indoctrination 15. Stopping the State's Downward Spiral Into Progressivism Madness

FREE PDF version using coupon code FREESAPIENCE. The three sapient textbook options regularly cost: $7.99 ePUB, $14.99 PDF or $34.99 Paperback

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