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Writer's pictureCorey Lee Wilson

FREE "Democratic Party Madness" Textbook from August 3 to 17, 2022

FREE Democratic Party Madness Textbook (offer good between August 3 - 17, 2022) The definitive and up-to-date textbook on the Democratic Party One year after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, President Joe Biden gravely informed the nation that the incident, during which exactly one person, an unarmed female pro-Trump protester, was killed – unnecessarily shot to death at close range, without warning, by a Capitol Hill policeman – was “the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War.” Biden delivered this extraordinary assessment immediately after Vice President Kamala Harris solemnly equated the out-of-control D.C. protest to both the Dec. 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor that killed 2,403 Americans and injured 1,178, and the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks that killed 2,977 Americans and injured over 6,000. The Civil War killed an estimated 750,000 Americans. How, wonder normal Americans, is it possible that the nation’s top political leaders could make such obviously insane statements? More important, what do such bizarre pronouncements say about where the progressive elites are secretly leading the nation? Although today’s Democratic Party does indeed seem completely deranged and therefore unpredictable – insisting men are actually women if they think they are, claiming Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar spending programs and wild currency creation will “reduce inflation,” engineering a full-scale invasion of the American homeland by millions of illegal aliens so Democrats can stay in power forever, and so on – there actually is one reliable way both to determine with uncanny accuracy what these revolutionary-minded Democrats are up to right now, and to gauge what they are secretly planning for the future. Here’s the rule: Whatever the Democrats are falsely accusing their critics of doing and planning, that is precisely what they themselves are actually doing and planning. And since today’s super-radicalized Democratic Party is continually accusing conservatives both in and out of government of carrying out an “insurrection” against America’s constitutional system of government, you can be sure – as we will soon see – that insurrection is exactly what they themselves are maniacally pursuing. Below is a tentative chapter outline of Democratic Party Madness as follows: Democratic Party Madness: A SAPIENT Being’s Guide to the Progressivism Madness of Democratic Party Policies & Agenda 1. Why Today’s Democratic Party Is So Woke, Illiberal & Dysfunctional 2. Biden-Harris White House, Cabinet, Appointments, Executive Orders & Agenda 3. The Economy Stupid: Spending, Inflation, Taxes, Trade and the Next Recession 4. Policy Failures: Immigration, Energy, Voting, Pandemic, Stimulus, Infrastructure & More 5. Progressive ‘Regressive’ Democratic Party Programs and Mid-Terms Massacre 6. Dem Chaos by Way of Riots, Antifa, BLM, Open Borders & Crime Rate Madness 7. January 6th Commission is a Perfect Example of a Prime Time “Show Trial” 8. Foreign Policy Setbacks: China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Syria & Mexico 9. Election Outcomes From the Mediacrats & Big Tech Collusion on Hunter’s Laptop 10. The Right’s Useful Idiots aka The Squad, Sanders, Schumer, Pelosi and Others 11. Lie After Lie After Lie: SpyGate, RussiaGate, Capitol Riot, Impeachments and More 12. Illegal Immigration, Mexican Drug Cartels, Title 42, Sanctuary Cities, OSF & Soros 13. Education Madness: Marxists, Ethnic Studies, Teacher’s Unions & Anti-School Choice 14. The Democratic “Party’s Over” For So Many Independent, Hispanic, Asian & Black Voters 15. California’s So-Called “Progressive” Democratic Party Failure—A Warning to America! Below is my bio so you can better understand and appreciate my viewpoint diverse, intellectually humble, and centric point-of-view. Author and CEO Biography Corey Lee Wilson was raised an atheist by his liberal Playboy Bunny mother, has three Anglo-Latino siblings, a bi-racial daughter, a brother who died of AIDS, baptized a Protestant by his conservative grandparents, attended temple with his Jewish foster parents, baptized again as a Catholic for his first Filipina wife, attends Buddhist ceremonies with his second Thai wife, became an agnostic on his own free will for most of his life, and is a lifetime independent voter. Corey felt the sting of intellectual humility by repeating the 4th grade and attended 17 different schools throughout California (and one in the Bahamas) before putting himself through college at Mt. San Antonio College and Cal Poly Pomona University (without parents and while on triple secret probation). Named Who's Who of American College Students in 1984, he received a BS in Economics (summa cum laude) and won his fraternity’s most prestigious undergraduate honor, the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity's Shideler Award, both in 1985. As a satirist and fraternity man, Corey started Fratire Publishing in 2012 and transformed the fiction “fratire” genre to a respectable and viewpoint diverse non-fiction genre promoting practical knowledge and wisdom to help everyday people navigate safely through the many hazards of life. In 2018, he founded the SAPIENT Being to help promote freedom of speech, viewpoint diversity, intellectual humility and most importantly advance sapience in America’s students and campuses. The SAPIENT Being has three programs: Make Free Speech Again On Campus (MFSAOC), World of Writing Warriors (WOWW) and the Sapient Conservative Textbooks (SCT) all working together to promote its mission and vision of sapience. The WOWW program plans to self-publish 40 MADNESS sapient conservative textbooks in partnership with Fratire Publishing over the span of the 2020 decade in alliance with the MFSAOC program to start 40 chapters on America’s high school and college campuses by 2030. Article content courtesy of The Party of Insurrection report by David Kupelian at WND published on January 30, 2022.

FREE PDF and EPUB versions of 2021 MADNESS textbooks using coupon code FREESAPIENCE. The three sapient conservative textbook options regularly cost: $7.99 ePUB, $14.99 PDF or $34.99 Paperback

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